lipids are fatty acid ester of alcohol. it is an non polar molecule and insoluble in water but soluble in non poler organic solvents like chloroform aether benzene and carbon disulphide. wax, oil, natural rubber and cholesterol are one kind of lipids. cell membrane, vitamin A and E are made of lipids..
chemically lipids are made of C,H and O but number of oxygen molecules is less then carbohydrate.
1.Fatty acid- fatty acid is a unit of lipid. fatty acid are carbonic acid which have chain that end in carboxylic group(-COOH). plants have bio-synthetic machinery to manufacture all types of fatty acids. fatty acids are divided in two types-
(a) Saturated fatty acid- this type fatty acid has no double bond between two carbon's of hydrocarbon chain. example- pamitic acid and steric acid.
(b)Non saturated fatty acid- In this carbon chain is unsaturated and double bonds are founds. the melting point of these fatty acids are low then saturated acid.
-Olcic acid- one double bond CH3(CH2)7CH-CH(CH2)7COOH
-Linoleic acid- two double bond CH3(CH2)7CH-CH(CH2)7COOH
-Linolenic acid-three double bond
2.Fats-ester of fatty acid and glycerol is fat. every glycerol molecule connects with three molecules of fatty acid.
3.Oils- the fat which is liquid on normal temperature call oil. oil is unsaturated fatty acid which melting point is very low.
4.Derived lipids-
(a)Waxes- wax is a simple lipid which made of fatty acid and alcohol chain. chemically these are inactive. this made protective layer on skin,hair, leaf and stems.
(b)Phospho-lipid-In this phosphate is also present with alcohol and fatty it call phospholipid. the molecule of phospholipid is bipolar. Its poler side is hydrophilic and non polar side is hydrophobic. IN liquid medium phospholipids make double layered membrane. this type of membrane is structural unit of cell membrane. phospholipids are helpful in blood clotting.
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structure of protein
lipids are fatty acid ester of alcohol. it is an non polar molecule and insoluble in water but soluble in non poler organic solvents like chloroform aether benzene and carbon disulphide. wax, oil, natural rubber and cholesterol are one kind of lipids. cell membrane, vitamin A and E are made of lipids..
chemically lipids are made of C,H and O but number of oxygen molecules is less then carbohydrate.
1.Fatty acid- fatty acid is a unit of lipid. fatty acid are carbonic acid which have chain that end in carboxylic group(-COOH). plants have bio-synthetic machinery to manufacture all types of fatty acids. fatty acids are divided in two types-
(a) Saturated fatty acid- this type fatty acid has no double bond between two carbon's of hydrocarbon chain. example- pamitic acid and steric acid.
(b)Non saturated fatty acid- In this carbon chain is unsaturated and double bonds are founds. the melting point of these fatty acids are low then saturated acid.
-Olcic acid- one double bond CH3(CH2)7CH-CH(CH2)7COOH
-Linoleic acid- two double bond CH3(CH2)7CH-CH(CH2)7COOH
-Linolenic acid-three double bond
2.Fats-ester of fatty acid and glycerol is fat. every glycerol molecule connects with three molecules of fatty acid.
3.Oils- the fat which is liquid on normal temperature call oil. oil is unsaturated fatty acid which melting point is very low.
4.Derived lipids-
(a)Waxes- wax is a simple lipid which made of fatty acid and alcohol chain. chemically these are inactive. this made protective layer on skin,hair, leaf and stems.
(b)Phospho-lipid-In this phosphate is also present with alcohol and fatty it call phospholipid. the molecule of phospholipid is bipolar. Its poler side is hydrophilic and non polar side is hydrophobic. IN liquid medium phospholipids make double layered membrane. this type of membrane is structural unit of cell membrane. phospholipids are helpful in blood clotting.
to read about protein click on this link-
structure of protein
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